Safety and Student Code of Conduct Policies


Acadia College is committed to providing a safe environment for students, instructors and employees.  Acadia College makes every effort to ensuring all machinery and equipment are properly maintained and any required safety devices are in working order.  Any concerns or issues must be reported to Chief Executive Officer and Senior Educational Administrator.


Flight training safety is the primary focus of Acadia College’s activities, policies and procedures.  With respect to the ground operations, and in particular the use of offices and classrooms, Acadia College is committed to providing a healthy and safe, working and learning environment for all employees and students.  The policy applies to all Acadia College employees and students.

The Workplace Safety Officer is responsible to ensure the staff and facilities are properly prepared to respond to threats to safety at Acadia College.  These threats included the following:

  • Ineffective Safety Reporting – Acadia College’s anonymous safety reporting system could malfunction or become ineffective.
  • Fire – facilities fire warning and response, including school evacuation.
  • Aircraft Deicing – including safe handling and procedures for Isopropyl Alcohol (commonly referred to as rubbing alcohol, pronounced Isopropyl and also referred to as isopropanol alcohol)
  • Earthquake – preparedness and response, including school evacuation.

Policies and procedures are in place to mitigate the risks associated with these threats to safety, including initial and recurrent staff training, as well as, monthly inspections of grounds facilities.


Emergency Procedures

  • Staff and students will crouch under tables until the shaking stops
  • If we need to evacuate, we will follow Acadia College’s evacuation procedure for Earthquake (see below)

Evacuation Procedure

  • When safe to do so, staff will quickly move Students out of the building through safe designated exits – the front door of the premises.
  • The CEO, CFI/SEA and SOA will:
    1. Stay behind and scan all areas to ensure that all Students have been taken out of the building.
    2. Get roll book and emergency pack located in the small cabinet between the fire safe and the file cabinet in the CEO/Administration office. (First Aid Kit, emergency medication, Emergency Consent Cards, sanitary supplies, pain relievers, spare keys and cell phone).
    3. Join the others.
  • Everyone will meet at the designated meeting spot — on the boulevard to the right side of the airplane tail at the front of the property.
  • Once outside and clear of the building, at the designated meeting spot, roll call will be made.
  • If we are unable to re-enter the building for an extended time, we will drive or walk to Tim Horton’s at the corner of Young Road and Airport Road.

Emergency Drills

  • Conduct emergency drills with the Students every two months.
  • Practice Emergency Evacuation Procedure during drills.
  • Staff will record emergency drills (around the 15th of every month) in bound logbook. Include date, time and any comments.

Emergency Supplies

The following emergency supplies are required if we need to stay at the Acadia College for up to 72 hours in case of an earthquake. These supplies are stored on site:


  • 4 litres per day per person in tight lidded non-breakable containers

Food and Utensils

  • Three-day supply of non-perishables: canned and dehydrated food, dried fruit, canned juices, “comfort” food
  • plastic eating utensils, can-opener

Medical Supplies

  • First Aid Kit and First Aid Manual
  • Medication
    1. pain relievers for children and adults
    2. medication needed for individual children (must have completed instructions for medication forms)
    3. hot/cold packs

Hygienic Supplies

  • Soap, paper towels, toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, sanitary supplies, tissues, latex gloves.

Clothing and Shelter

  • Two space blankets per person, 6 millimetres’ plastic sheeting, large plastic garbage bags.

General Supplies

  • Roll Books, Emergency Consent Cards and Emergency Evacuation Plan, Radio with alkaline batteries, flashlight with alkaline batteries, candles in deep can and waterproof matches, rope, string, duct tape, masking tape, paper/pens/markers, books/toys/games, battery- operated lantern, spare batteries, bucket toilet


Emergency Evacuation Procedure

  • When the alarm is sounded, staff will quickly move Students out of the building through safe designated exits.
  • The CEO/CFI AND SOA will:
    1. Stay behind and scan all areas to ensure that all Students have left the building.
    2. Get roll book and emergency pack located on the desk (First Aid Kit, emergency medication, Emergency Consent Cards, sanitary supplies, pain relievers, shed key and cell phone).
    3. Join the others.
  • Everyone will meet at the designated meeting spot — on the boulevard to the right side of the airplane tail at the front of the property.
  • Once outside and clear of the building, at the designated meeting spot, roll call will be made.
  • We will return to Acadia College when the all-clear is given.
  • Emergency Fire Drills
  • Conduct emergency drills every two (2) months with the Students.
  • Practice Emergency Evacuation Procedure during the emergency drills
  • Staff will record the emergency drills (around the 15th of every month) in bound logbook. Include date, time and any comments

Emergency Drills

  • Conduct emergency drills with the Students every two (2) months.
  • Practice Emergency Evacuation Procedure during the emergency drills.
  • Staff will record monthly emergency drills (around the 15th of every 2nd month) in bound logbook. Include date, time and any comments.


  • For medical emergencies call 911.